Andrea Ligabue
Andrea Ligabue was born in Modena, Italy in 1972. Since childhood, he enjoyed playing and inventing games. When he was 16 he joined the TreEmme club, the largest game club in Italy. He began his game career as a RPG player, then as a Game Master. He also began playing wargames, Battletech and most of the old GW and AH games.During a working period in Denmark in 1999 he met Mik Svellov at the Viking-Con and started to play German Games.Since 2000, Andrea has organized the board games division of ModCon, Italians largest game convention. He was the head of program of PLAY: The Games Festival since 2008. He is involved in the Goblin's Lair project (, the biggest gaming web site and community in Italy. He has been a contributor to the Board Game News website since its inception, serving as an international columnist. He is in charge of a weekly news column about boardgames on La Gazzetta di Modena, an Italian newspaper. He was the founder of Ludoteca Ideale, an Italian project to elect every years the best Italian games. He wrote reviews for Game Master Magazine, Gamers Alliance Report, Counter and many online web site. He conduct a boardgames afternoon laboratory in primary school. Andrea works as Software Developer for the IT group at the University of Modena, and also as consultant for LEGO Italia concerning the LEGO Games.
He and his wife Serena have one daughter (Caterina, 2001), and a son (Francesco, 2006).